The Foley Freeze is CHARGED UP!

January 24, 2023 Kaitlyn Chornoby 0 Comments

by Gabby Tregembo

Over the weekend of January 7, 2023, members of the Foley Freeze met up for their annual kick-off to watch the broadcast that announced the game of the year, CHARGED UP℠! After learning about the new game, the team gathered at school for mass, enjoyed lunch, and discussed the new game and potential strategies.


In CHARGED UP℠, two alliances go head to head to place cubes and cones onto their grid to charge up their community. In each alliance, three teams work together to gather pieces onto their grid. The robots can start anywhere in their community as long as they do not cross the line with either one cube or one cone preloaded. At the start of the game, the alliances must carefully strategize where to put four pieces. There must be two cones and two cubes placed along the community lines.

 During the first fifteen seconds of the match, the robots remain autonomous or act without human control.  As the match goes on, additional points will be awarded if the robots are docked and engaged at their charging station. The cones and cubes have designated spots for them to be placed. The cones have a designated pole they are allowed to lash onto and the cubes have a flat surface that they are placed upon. There are three levels in which the cones and cubes can be placed. With each level a little higher than the last, the point score will rise. Points awarded in the fifteen-second time frame will be counted towards an activation bonus. An activation bonus is where there are at least 26 total charged station points earned in auto or endgame. Auto is where the robot is independent, while endgame is where the robot is controlled by the teams. With the remaining two minutes and fifteen seconds, when drivers control the robot, they will collect cubes and cones at substations from team players. Robots are protected within their lines in the community and loading zones. The robots will race to gain the most points, and whichever alliance has the most, wins the match. 

With this season being the second normal season since 2020, all the team members are excited to get ready for the game.

“With this only being my second year of a normal season, I am so excited to see how everything turns out,” explained Jack Murphy, a senior entering his fourth year on the team. “This game is very interesting, and I am eager to see how it all rolls out. The comradery of everyone coming together will be fun to see this year.”

 For the next six weeks, the students will design, prototype, and begin building the 2023 robot. This season, there are 18 new team members who are excited to start their journey with the team. From taking an interest in various aspects of the team, from build to electrical, and programming to media, all the new members are eager to make a change on the team. The team and mentors have already started their hard work in the past few weeks, especially Libby Stfy, a sophomore focusing on programming. “I am excited to get more experience in programming and learn more in-depth about FIRST,” she said. “I am eager to figure out strategies that will work, especially during the autonomous period, where robots are self-controlled.”

With each subteam back in their designated space, their goal is to work harder and more efficiently than the previous years. The build and prototype subteams have started planning their robot and strategies, along with the other groups working diligently every day on their respective projects. With every member of the team dedicated to making this year the best, we are doing everything possible to be the most efficient and successful. We are charged up and ready for the new season!


The Foley Freeze is CHARGED UP! was last modified: January 24th, 2023 by Kaitlyn Chornoby